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Smart Factory

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Smart Factory

One of the most important activities in CPS is related to development of Industry 4.0 digital transformation process.
CPS integrates its processes and professional skills with new digital production technologies to pursue, with continuity, the objective of improving working conditions, increasing productivity and quality. The digitalisation of industrial processes in CPS comes from the strong vocation to technological innovation, which has always inspired the company to define the growth patterns of its competitive positioning on international markets.

The introduction in CPS of significant investments in machinery and production systems is a strategic objective.
The injection of “Industry 4.0” technologies are driving CPS’ production processes management.
The integrated CPS’ system is based on the real time data collection from over 120 interconnected assets in order to obtain a more efficient planning, scheduling and execution of all the production activities. The project will also allow the improvement of key performance indicators through the standardization of processes, the reduction of waste and delays and the flexibility of a lean production system, providing adequate support to the CPS’ management decision making process on the organization of manufacturing activities, rapid reconfiguration of resources and flows in order to respond to the continuous and sophisticated changes in market demands effectively.

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Industry 4.0 integrated into the organization of production

CPS D'Auria adopts new digital technologies to constantly increase productivity and quality.

Find out how we carry out our digital transformation.